Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Titus 1:1 “Healthy Living”

Today we are beginning a study of the book of Titus that should take us to the beginning of June, Lord willing. Today, my purpose is simple. I want to explain the whole book of Titus to you. Really, we will focus on the main theme of Titus then see the implications for our lives. Next week, we will look at the purpose- why Paul wrote the book. The theme of the book is like looking at a piece of cloth- observing its color, texture, the threads that run through it. The purpose of the books is finding what that cloth is used for- like a shirt. The theme is the cloth; the purpose is clothes.

Titus was written by the Apostle Paul who wrote this short letter to his co-worker in the gospel, Titus. Paul had left Titus on the island of Crete to continue what we would call church planting efforts.

I’m going to read the whole book of Titus. According to I Timothy 4:13, the pastor should devote himself to the public reading of Scripture. This is the best part of the sermon.

I could tell you the theme right now, but that would be too easy. I want to show you that this is really the theme. Let’s first look at the outline of the book.

1:1-4 is the introduction. 3:12-15 is the conclusion, like any good letter will have.

The rest of chapter one is Paul’s instructions to Titus.
He is appoint the right leaders (5-9).
He is to teach right doctrine (10-16).

Chapters 2 and 3 are teaching that Titus is to pass on to the church.
2:1-10- How Christians are to live in our household
2:11-15 Doctrine that backs up this behavior
3:1-2- How Christians are to live in society
3:3-8- Doctrine that backs up this behavior
3:9-11- The discipline of the church

We begin to see some common threads running through this book: right doctrine and right living. Doctrine is just a fancy word for “what the Bible teaches.” In Titus, Paul uses to doctrine, teaching, the Word of God, the truth generally as synonyms. Paul pulls no punches when it comes to the importance of doctrine. See 2:15

In Titus, Paul uses the word “sound” 4 times to refer to doctrine. This word can also be translated “healthy.” Paul is concerned that the church have healthy doctrine.

The other theme that begins to emerge is that of good works or godliness. Paul is concerned for the lifestyle of Christians: how they act, what they do. Good works are mentioned 6 times. Not just good works but readiness and eagerness to do good works.
Paul is also concerned that the church have both healthy doctrine and healthy living. These two themes are connected. Look at:

These are the two major themes of the letter…and they are related. In the church sound doctrine and sound living go together.

Healthy eating is a common topic in our society today. There are diets that are all the rage depending on what the calendar year is. There is disagreement about what is healthy to eat. Carbs were good, now they’re bad. Sugar was OK, fat was evil. Now sugar is evil and fat is OK. It’s all very confusing. Whatever you may have heard about what is healthy to eat, we all know that what we eat determines how we feel and affects how we work and live. Try eating nothing tomorrow and then go for a hike. Try eating all sugar for a day or just butter.

The same way our intake of food affects how we live, our intake of doctrine affects the way we live. Clearly, doctrine and godliness are related. And in order to have healthy living in the church, we must have healthy doctrine. Healthy doctrine leads to healthy living. Yes, they are connected. 2:11- For; 3:3- For Actions based on doctrine. But how? To answer that question, I’ll ask another question. What is doctrine?

We read the 2 main doctrine passages for the Scripture reading. The doctrine that is clearly laid out for us is the gospel.

-Grace has appeared bringing salvation
-Christ have himself for us to redeem us
-We were foolish and disobedient, but the goodness and loving kindness of God appeared
-He saved us, not because of our righteous works, but because of his mercy
-He was accomplished salvation in our lives by the Holy Spirit
-We are justified by his grace
-We are heirs of heaven

This is rich, dense gospel doctrine. This is gospel cheese cake. Steak. All the doctrine in the Bible is important, but the core of all the Bible’s doctrine is the gospel!

We answered the question- what is doctrine here in Titus? It is the gospel. That leaves us with the question- how does sound doctrine lead to sound living?

Last Monday night there was a large explosion at a house close to here on Buffalo Road. The house caught fire and was a pile of smoldering rubble within an hour. At this point, the fire investigators are still looking for a cause. Perhaps it was a gas leak. If it was a gas leak, what ignited it?

That’s what we are looking for. What ignites sound doctrine into sound living? What is that spark?

Perhaps you’ve known a person that know lots of doctrine. They use words like predestination and substitutionary atonement in their prayers. You assume they must be godly. Not necessarily so. Are they living a pure life and doing good works, as the book of Titus commands. One pastor recently asked this question: why do people with PhD’s commit adultery? It’s a very good question. Perhaps you’ve heard of a Christian pastor leader falling into sin. You would think they would know their stuff. If they held sound doctrine, you cannot blame the doctrine! The problem lies elsewhere.

I hope you know another kind of person. A Christian who is zealous for good works. A person who joyfully does good for others. They love others, serve others, and most of all have a love for Jesus Christ. They may not use large theological words in their prayers, but they know the gospel and live a healthy Christian life. They’ve got the spark!

What is the spark? Titus 3:8 Titus is to affirm or insist on these things. What are these things? The gospel doctrine that Paul just finished writing about. The purpose of insisting on gospel doctrine is that people may be careful to devote themselves to good works. And these people are those who have believed in God. The spark is faith. Faith in God. Belief in the gospel. The spark of faith turns the propane of doctrine into fire. Without that spark, the propane of doctrine stinks up the house and can lead to death. With faith, doctrine burns with zeal for good works.

Faith is not an indifferent knowledge of the gospel. People who are zealous for good works have been gripped by the gospel.

A person who knows that Jesus Christ laid down his life for them, is going to lay down their life for others.

A person who treasures that grace that rescued them from their sin is not going to sit around and pout. Believing the gospel results in joy not grumpiness.

A person who has been set free from the prison of sin is not going to sit outside those prison gates wondering what they should do.

No, a person who actually believes the gospel, will be zealous for good works. They have the spark of faith in their hearts. A spark given by the Holy Spirit.

Healthy doctrine leads to healthy living.

Are you living a healthy Christian life? The first question is this: do you know and love the gospel? Have you been rescued from your sin by God’s grace? Does it mean the world to you that you have been purchased by Jesus Christ to live for him?

You may say that we believe the gospel, but deep down, you actually believe something else. It will show in our lives. 1:16 What we really believe will lead to action. That’s how God has made us.

I want you to have a healthy Christian life full of good works. I want us to be a healthy church zealous for good works. And to be that Christian and to be that church, we got to follow God’s way of getting there. Motivational speaking won’t cut it. The enthusiasm will die down after a while. Guilt trips won’t work. Good works might happen, but we won’t be zealous for good works. Professional theatrical productions on Sunday morning won’t result in increased godliness. Doctrine preached and treasured will energize us for good works. That how it works. And that’s the church I want us to be. That’s the church Christ wants us to be.

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